global IT systems GmbH
Entries referred to § 5 TMG:
global IT systems GmbH
Ringstrasse 3
89081 Ulm
Represented by the managing Director:
Benjamin Henz, Martin Aich
Phone: +49 (0)731 14 02 920
Fax: +49 (0)731 14 02 928
Registration in the commercial register.
Register court : Ulm
Register number: HRB 726043
Value added tax-ID:
Value added tax- identification number due to §27 at Added Tax Act:
Content responsible due to § 55 RStV
Benjamin Henz
Ringstrasse 3
89081 Ulm
Liability for content
The content of our sites was created with fullest care. We will not guarantee for accurancy, completeness and topicality. As a service provider we are responsible for selfmade content due to § 7 Abs.1 TMG. According to §§ 8 to 10 TMG however, we are not commited to track transmitted or saved unfamiliar information or to check for circumstances which could be leading to an illegal act. Engagement to remove or block the use of information due tot he general law stays untouched. Liability in this regards is however only possible as of the knowledge of a specific infringement of the law. At publication of specific infringements of the law we will remove this content immediately.
Liability for Links
Our offer contains links to websites of third-party membres, on which we do not influence the content. So we cannot take guarantee for the content of third-party links. Regarding this content is always the operator of the specific website responsible. The linked sites have been checked to violations of the law in the momen of publicating the link. So violations of the law have not been recognized in the moment of publicating the link. A permanent content control of the linked sites is however without any specific reference point of a violation of the law not reasonable. At publication of specific infringements of the law we will remove this content immediately.
Content and products provided by the site owner on these sites are subject of the german copyright. Copying, editing, publication and any sort of exploitation outside the borders of the copyright need a written approvement of the specific author respectively creator. Downloads and copys of this site are only allowed for personal, not for commercial use. As far as the content on this site was not created by the owner of this site note the copyright of third-party members. The content of third-party members is especially marke das such. If you anyhow observe a violation of a copyright please contact us immediately. At publication of specific infringements of the law we will remove this content immediately.
The use of our website is normally possible without providing personal data. As far as we need to raise personal data (for example, Name, address or E-Mail Address) everything is voluntary. This data will not be delivered to third parties without your explicit consent. We point out, that the data transmition on the internet (for example in the communcation via E-Mail) can contain security gaps. A gapeless protection of your data from access of third parties is not possible. The use of contact data publicated a spart of the imprint duty of third paty members to send not explicit consent advertising or information material is strictly forbidden. The owners of this site expressly reserve the right to take legal action in case of transmission of non-solisited advertising material, e.g. Spam-mails.